Imagine the impact
a major reason why people wanted to join a project, team, network or company?
What might change if
participants trusted that their time would be used appropriately, and that they could perform their work better as a result?
Envision a meeting culture
in which cross-cultural complexity and friction is reduced, and that is characterized by mutual understanding and stronger commitment.
Besides fulfilling their operational function,
what might it be like if regular meetings generated constant value as the basis of learning for individuals, groups and the organization as the whole?
What if meetings were
a major reason why people wanted to join a project, team, network or company?
Individuals, for example meeting owners or moderators
Groups, teams, but also cross-functional or at interfaces with customers, including templates or tool design
Change processes in business units or entire organizations.

We hope that we have sparked your interest to learn more about how you can be an ambassador to Meet Better at your organization.