During the pandemic, trainers in the field of intercultural competence development also had to reinvent themselves. Many have managed to approximate their training quality online. But is the content really adapted to the challenges of the New Normal in which our clients operate?
In a three-module training course, intercultures offers the opportunity to review and enrich your own content orientation. If you want to raise your training quality to the highest level in the context of virtual collaboration, this live online training is an ideal basis.
- How does the influence of the cultural imprint change when we collaborate predominantly online?
- What influence does virtuality have on the classic cultural dimensions?
- Which topics are our customers dealing with and which new learning situations should we develop for them?
- How can we combine training content and processes in live online training?
- Which areas are currently experiencing rapid changes in the challenges facing our customers? e.g. meetings, leadership, decision making, relationship building, separation of spheres, onboarding, communication, retention, feedback, inclusion, etc.?
- 3 modules of 3 hours online
- Buddy system
- Learning tasks between modules
- Module 3 gives participants space to present their own newly developed topics and content and enrich them through peer feedback
- Maximum 10 participants
- Language: English or German (as required)
Target group
- Experienced intercultural trainers with relevant training experience with corporate clients.
- Both culture-specific and cross-cultural practical experience is welcome.
Trainer / Facilitator
- Stefan Meister, founder and managing director of intercultures
Module 1: December 18, 2023 2-5 pm
Module 2: December 19, 2023, 2-5 pm
Module 3: Date for follow-up in consultation with participants
Price for the entire training
€ 900 plus VAT.