+49 (0)30 - 788 66 61 info@intercultures.de
Jungle Story: Building Business in “Costas Más Ricas”

Jungle Story: Building Business in “Costas Más Ricas”

Distinguishing Global and Local Mau (Mauricio) Otarola is originally from San José, Costa Rica, and now lives among locals and travelers 220 km east of the city in Puerto Viejo, along the Caribbean Sea. He is the co-owner of a vacation rentals and property management...
The “Middle East” Is Not What You Think

The “Middle East” Is Not What You Think

Why does Islam feel significantly incomprehensible to so many? “This is definitely an important question,” says intercultures Consultant, Dr. Jana Holla. “It is a very structured religious faith which is easy to comprehend, as much as a belief system can be...