+49 (0)30 - 788 66 61 info@intercultures.de

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”

– does the same apply to new cultures?

Hilly van Swol Ulbrich, who has been collaborating with intercultures as a trainer for nine years, offers expats a fresh intercultural perspective with her new project “Expat Cuisine”.

Hilly van Swol Ulbrich and her culinary partner Marcel Müller offer creative cookery courses for international gourmets.

Expat Cuisine

The intercultural aspect is a significant one as the event organisers focus specifically on enriching the cooking experience using different cultures. Expats are invited to familiarise themselves with the local cuisine, and multicultural teams are encouraged to organise joint activities.

Have you acquired a taste for these courses? Then contact vanswol@www.www.intercultures.de directly or visit www.expatcuisine.com

We look forward to your contact!

Picture Credit Title Picture: Dirk Ingo Franke.